Who we are
Lapanday Foods Corporation is a grower, supplier, and exporter of farm-fresh bananas and pineapples from the Philippines to international markets.

Where we are
We grow our premium-quality fruits in Mindanao, the southernmost island of the Philippines, where they thrive on fertile land and enjoy evenly distributed rainfall year-round.

Message from the Chairman
On behalf of Lapanday Foods Corporation, I welcome you to our website.
Lapanday is a company that prides itself on providing top quality fresh bananas and pineapples in Asia and the Middle East — a reputation we have nurtured over the years through strong production management and well-considered investments in supply and productivity, quality, packaging, cold chain management, customer service, and cost efficiency.
Our core competencies and the special mix of creativity and prudence that govern our growth have allowed us to be the first banana-exporting Philippine company to successfully introduce its own brands which are now widely accepted in the international market. We are as proud of this distinction as we are of the care we give to our environment and the efforts we take to uplift our communities, and our strict adherence to laws and policies governing fair labor practices, human rights protection, and ethical business conduct. These are principles that we strongly require our business partners to adopt as well.
As we seek to be ever more prepared to respond to opportunities in an intensely competitive and volatile industry, we continue to rely on the quality and work ethic of our people. Over the years, we have seen within all our ranks many examples of courageous leadership, resilience, and tenacity of spirit. These qualities, along with the seriousness and steadiness of our people as they perform their work, assure our customers and other stakeholders of the type of company we are. For us, this is also another source of pride.
Through our website, we invite you to explore our business, follow the journey we have taken, and see how Lapanday and you might share new opportunities together.
Regina Angela P. Lorenzo
Chair & CEO, Lapanday Foods Corporation
trunkline: +63 82 2352551 / +63 82 2446800